People with diabetes can’t make full use of the sugar in their bodies, which leads to a decrease in their resistance. They are easy to be infected with colds, and may lead to pneumonia. Pneumonia may be caused by other bacteria after the flu, or the pathogen directly invades the lungs. There is a kind of pneumonia caused by pneumococcus invading the lungs after getting the flu. Therefore, influenza and pneumonia vaccines should be injected to achieve good prevention effects.
Pneumococcus is a type of infection caused by bacteria. In the first few days, there are only mild symptoms of a cold such as runny nose, and then suddenly severe tremors followed by a high fever. At this time, the heart and breath are very fast, because oxygen is difficult to enter the lungs, there will be a whole body turning purple. Most of the tremors only occur once, and then there will be a continuous high fever. The body temperature can reach 40 degrees Celsius. Coughing and chest pain are very serious, and the sputum spit out is pink or rust colored. Even after treatment, the mortality rate is still as high as one-fifth. Previously, treatment with penicillin could effectively control the condition, but in recent years, pneumococcal drug resistance has become increasingly severe, and even if diagnosed early, effective drugs may not be found. Therefore, vaccines are effective. Using is the best method.
Every year, the World Health Organization recommends the composition of the vaccine based on the type of influenza virus and changes in serum antibodies of vaccinated individuals from the previous year. In the northern hemisphere, such as in China, new influenza vaccines are used around October each year, and the types of viruses circulating each year are different. Therefore, influenza vaccines should be re administered because they need to be cultured in chicken embryos and people who are allergic to eggs should not be injected.
The resistance produced by the pneumonia vaccine gradually decreases after injection, and should be re injected every five years. The side effects of the pneumonia vaccine are minimal, sometimes causing slight pain, swelling, or fever at the injection site, which usually disappears within 48 hours. Besides diabetes, there are also heart disease, chronic lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, etc.
Influenza vaccines can be administered at the age of six months, while the current pneumonia vaccine is less effective for children under two years old. The influenza vaccine has been invented for 60 years and is widely used. Although the pneumonia vaccine has been used for more than 20 years, few people know about it, which is a regrettable thing. Gradually improving the composition of the vaccine, it can now achieve 90% of the effect against pneumococci. The influenza vaccine can produce antibodies in just two weeks after injection, while the pneumonia vaccine takes three weeks. The influenza vaccine and pneumonia vaccine can be administered on the same day, but should be administered in different locations.