1. Cat and dog bites should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and clean water for at least 5 minutes. After drying, apply pressure and bandage to stop bleeding. No matter what kind of animal bites you get, you must go to the hospital for appropriate treatment.
2. When the skin is sunburned and experiences swelling and pain, a cold water towel can be applied to the affected area until the pain disappears. If there are blisters on the item, do not try to puncture it. Seek medical attention.
3. Heat stroke quickly transfers the patient to a cool and ventilated place, removes or unties clothes, uses a cold water towel to wipe the body or fan, and quickly lowers body temperature. Ask the patient to drink some cold boiled water or diluted saline solution. If you experience confusion or convulsions, you should immediately be taken to the hospital.
4. Joint injuries should not be rubbed or rotated. Immediately apply cold water towels or gauze to the affected area with ice for 15-30 minutes, and then switch to hot compress after 24 hours. Wrap and secure with bandages, then rest for 2-3 days. Patients with severe pain and swelling should go to the hospital for examination and treatment.
5. Poisonous insect bite: If bitten by poisonous insects such as centipedes or scorpions, the venom should be immediately squeezed out. Tie the wound near the heart with a cloth or tie, rinse the wound with clean water, apply cold compress, and then go to the hospital immediately.
6. Be careful to remove the remaining venom stings from the bee stinging wound, being careful not to squeeze the venom sac behind the stings to avoid squeezing more venom into the wound. Gently squeeze the wound with your hands, squeeze out the venom, and apply a little ammonia or soda water; If a wasp stings, acetic acid water should be applied to neutralize the venom. Local cold compress can alleviate swelling and pain. If you are stung by a swarm of bees and have abnormal reactions such as nausea and dizziness, you should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.