(1) Grind alum, mix with rice vinegar to form a paste, and apply it to the wound.
(2) Mix realgar and dried alum in half, grind them into powder, and apply to the affected area.
(3) 1 large snail, mashed with its shell and applied externally to the wound.
(4) 1 sweet potato seedling, add a little brown sugar, mash together, and apply to the wound.
(5) Take an appropriate amount of raw and rotten yam (preferably rotten with water), mash and squeeze the juice, and apply it to the affected area.
(6) Wash and remove the roots of fresh pine, mash and extract juice. Wash the stinging area thoroughly and puncture it with a disinfectant three pronged needle. Squeeze the venom and apply the affected area with pine juice once a day until no pain or recovery occurs.
(7) Crushing the leaves of holly, mint, purslane, fresh taro, etc. and applying them to the wound can have detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects.
(8) Capture 6 live scorpions and soak them in 50ml of alcohol. After 2 days, take the alcohol and apply it to the affected area. The earlier you apply, the better the effect.
(9) In the absence of any conditions, one can also apply their own urine and mud to the affected area, which can also have a anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.