Medicinal wine has shown promising effectiveness in treating snake bites.

Formula One:

  • 30g of Liao Ge Wang roots
  • 120g of Liang Mian Zhen roots
  • 60-90g of Xia La Yan roots
  • 60g of Suan Teng roots
  • Moderate amount of 30% rice wine


  1. Wash the first four ingredients thoroughly, chop them into pieces, and place them in a container.
  2. Add rice wine to the container, seal it, and let it soak for 7-10 days.
  3. After soaking, filter out the residue.


  • Clears heat and detoxifies.


  • Snake bites.


  • Oral: Take 10ml each time, 2-3 times a day.
  • External: After disinfecting and draining the wound, apply the medicinal wine around the wound area 4-5 times a day.

Formula Two:

  • 75g of Ru Tu Jin
  • 75g of San Ya Ku
  • 75g of Ji Gu Xiang
  • 40g of Tian Ji Huang
  • 40g of Ban Bian Qi
  • Moderate amount of Ban Bian Lian
  • 500ml of rice wine


  1. Grind the first six ingredients into powder and place them in a container.
  2. Add rice wine to the container, seal it, and let it soak for one month.


  • Clears heat and detoxifies.


  • Snake bites.


  • Oral: Adults take 40-50ml each time, children take 25ml, 2-3 times a day.
  • External: Soak a cotton pad with the medicinal wine and apply it to the wound and surrounding area several times a day.

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