1. Mudfish Powder
- Ingredients: 2000g live mudfish
- Preparation: Keep the mudfish in clean water for a day to allow it to expel any waste from its intestines. The next day, dry the mudfish in an oven until completely dehydrated, then grind into powder and store in a bottle.
- Dosage: Take 10g of the powder once a day with warm water. Continue for 15 days as one treatment cycle.
- Benefits: Warms the center, boosts energy, and detoxifies.
2. Artemisia Capillaris and Plantain Herb Decoction
- Ingredients: 100g of Artemisia capillaris, 100g of plantain herb (or 20g of plantain seeds), 1000ml water, 20g white sugar.
- Preparation: Boil the herbs in 1000ml of water until reduced to 800ml. Add 20g of white sugar to the decoction.
- Dosage: Drink 200ml of the decoction 2-3 times daily.
- Benefits: Clears heat and promotes urination.
3. Artemisia Capillaris Congee
- Ingredients: 30-60g Artemisia capillaris, 50-100g rice, white sugar to taste.
- Preparation: Clean the Artemisia capillaris and boil to extract the juice, then remove the residue. Add the rice to the herbal juice and cook until almost done, then add white sugar and cook for another 1-2 minutes.
- Dosage: Consume 2-3 times daily for 7-10 days.
- Benefits: Clears damp heat and reduces jaundice. Suitable for acute infectious jaundice-type hepatitis.
4. Wolfberry and Chicken Soup
- Ingredients: 30g wolfberry, 1 hen, 1250ml clear broth, 10g cooking wine.
- Preparation: Clean the hen and stuff it with wolfberry. Place the hen in a pot with its abdomen facing up, add scallions, ginger, clear broth, salt, cooking wine, and pepper. Steam for 2 hours, then remove the ginger and scallions.
- Dosage: Consume the meat and broth twice daily.
- Benefits: Nourishes the liver and kidneys, improves eyesight. Suitable for chronic hepatitis, early-stage cirrhosis, and anemia.
5. Celery Juice with Honey
- Ingredients: 100-150g fresh celery, honey to taste.
- Preparation: Clean and mash the celery to extract the juice. Mix the celery juice with honey.
- Dosage: Drink once daily.
- Benefits: Clears heat, detoxifies, and nourishes the liver.
These therapeutic diets incorporate natural ingredients known for their detoxifying properties and specific benefits such as warming the body, clearing heat, reducing jaundice, and nourishing the liver and kidneys. They are particularly useful for treating the aftermath of snake bites and promoting overall health recovery.