Snake Bite: Thick, Deep Fang Marks
Among venomous snakes, there are ten species that pose significant risks and can be fatal. Common venomous snakes include the cobra, krait, viper, bamboo viper, cobra, king cobra, and Russell’s viper. Venomous snakes have a pair of venom glands and fangs on their upper jaw. When bitten, venom is secreted from these glands and enters the wound through the fangs, causing poisoning. Snake bites usually leave thick and deep fang marks, while non-venomous snake bites leave small and orderly puncture wounds.
Treatment in Three Steps
Once bitten by a venomous snake, it’s crucial to remain calm and avoid running. Immediately take the following treatment measures:
- Early Bandaging: If the bite is on a limb, promptly apply a bandage above the wound. The bandage should be maintained for 8-10 hours, loosening every 15-30 minutes for 1-2 minutes each time. The tightness of the bandage should allow blood circulation in the distal limb without causing cyanosis. If more than 12 hours have passed since the bite and the venom has spread, bandaging becomes ineffective.
- Various Methods for Venom Extraction:a. Incision and Suction: Make a cross-shaped or “I” incision between the fang marks, deep into the subcutaneous tissue, and squeeze the area around the wound to expel venomous blood. If venomous fangs are visible, remove them immediately. Meanwhile, repeatedly flush the wound with 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution or soapy water.b. Suction Method: If the rescuer’s mouth is intact, suctioning can be performed. The rescuer should suck out venom while spitting it out and rinse their mouth with clean water.c. Cupping Method: Use a triangular needle to prick the area around the bite to draw blood, then apply a cupping device to draw out dark purple venous blood.d. Cauterization: Place 5-7 burning match heads at the wound and repeatedly cauterize it to neutralize the venom.
- Seek Medical Attention Promptly: Before outdoor activities or labor, it’s advisable to carry snakebite tablets. If bitten by a venomous snake, administer the tablets immediately and seek further treatment at the nearest hospital as soon as possible.