Epididymitis is a high-risk disease for male friends, which causes great harm to them. Suffering from this disease can also affect the normal fertility of patients. Therefore, everyone must attach great importance to this disease. Only by understanding the knowledge of this disease can targeted treatment be achieved. So, what are the main types of epididymitis?
The main types of epididymitis are as follows
1. Acute epididymitis: sudden high fever with elevated white blood cells, swelling and pain in the affected side of the scrotum, heaviness, and traction pain in the lower abdomen and groin, which worsens when standing or walking. The affected epididymis is enlarged with obvious tenderness. When the scope of inflammation is large, both the epididymis and testicles are swollen, and the boundary between the two is unclear, it is called epididymitis. The affected side of the spermatic cord thickens and there is also tenderness. In general, acute symptoms can gradually subside after one week.
2. Chronic epididymitis: Chronic epididymitis is more common, and some patients may become chronic due to incomplete cure in the acute phase. However, most patients do not have a clear acute phase, and inflammation is often secondary to chronic prostatitis or injury. Patients often experience hidden pain and swelling in the affected side of the scrotum, which often involves the lower abdomen and the ipsilateral groin, and sometimes may be accompanied by secondary hydrocele. During examination, the epididymis often shows varying degrees of enlargement and hardening. Mild tenderness, with thickening of the ipsilateral vas deferens.
3. Tuberculous epididymitis: Similar to chronic epididymitis, the vas deferens are bead shaped, and the seminal vesicles are thickened. Urine examination shows “sterile urine” or “tuberculosis urine”, which can indicate tuberculous epididymitis. Bladder ulcers can be seen under cystoscopy, and urinary tract X-ray examination can also help diagnose. Testicular tumors may have testicular masses, and palpation can reveal thickened and hardened epididymis, as well as decreased testicular sensation (tumor). Epididymal tumors are rare and differentiation from epididymitis depends on pathology. If chronic epididymitis is bilateral, it can lead to infertility.
Through the introduction of the article content, everyone should have a better understanding of the types of epididymitis. We hope that after understanding the types of epididymitis, everyone can receive targeted treatment according to their own condition. We wish everyone a speedy recovery and stay away from the harm of this disease.