In daily life, people often see spiders and feel terrifying.
But only some spiders pose a dangerous threat to humans. Two of the toxic spiders are the Black Widow and the Brown Escaping Spider. If bitten by the Brown Escaping Spider or the Black Widow:
1. If the wound is on the arm or leg, a gentle bandage can be applied above the wound to slow down or even stop the spread of venom.
Make sure the bandage is not tied too tightly as it can hinder blood circulation in the arms or thighs.
2. Apply a cold compress to the wound. You can use a cloth dipped in ice water or add ice cubes to the cloth.
3. Seeking medical care. For patients bitten by black widows, hospitals will use antitoxin drugs.
For patients bitten by brown spider mites, doctors generally use corticosteroids to treat them.