When it comes to epididymitis, we are no strangers. It is a male disease with a high incidence rate in recent years. After the occurrence of this disease, it needs to be treated in time, but patients also need to pay attention to some matters during treatment. So what should we pay attention to when suffering from epididymitis?
There are three ways to cause orchitis, namely bloodstream infection, lymphatic infection, and direct spread through the vas deferens. Common types include non-specific orchitis and parotitis orchitis.
Non specific orchitis often occurs in patients with urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, and long-term indwelling catheters. Infection is caused by the spread of the vas deferens or lymph nodes, resulting in testicular congestion, edema, necrosis of the seminiferous tubules, bleeding, and in severe cases, testicular abscess or infarction. Acute parotitis orchitis, caused by the parotid virus, is more common in children or adolescent boys. The testicles are swollen and blue in color, with interstitial edema, vascular enlargement, and degeneration of the seminiferous duct, which can affect the epididymis. When the inflammation heals, atrophy of the seminiferous duct may occur, the testicles may become smaller and softer, and the function of the testicles may be lost, leading to infertility. Other conditions include orchitis caused by syphilis infection, which is mainly in the form of a lump and can also be called a syphilis tumor.
Acute high fever, chills, testicular pain radiating to the groin, accompanied by nausea and vomiting; Acute parotitis orchitis often occurs 3-4 days after the onset of parotitis, with a high fever of up to 40 ℃ often accompanied by collapse, redness and swelling of the scrotum, enlargement of the testicles, hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis, and obvious tenderness. If it is parotitis, enlargement of the parotid gland can also be detected.
Increased white blood cells and neutrophils; Urine examination shows microscopic hematuria and white blood cells. Pathogenic bacteria can be detected in the urine during the acute phase. Syphilis serum test can be performed if necessary to exclude syphilis.
Rest in bed and elevate the scrotum. Local early cold compress, mid to late stage hot compress can be used to alleviate symptoms, and 1% lidocaine 20ml spermatic cord block can relieve pain. Apply antibiotics such as ampicillin 250mg four times a day; Flufloxacin 500mg twice a day, if necessary, can be used in combination with gentamicin, erythromycin, etc. For mumps orchitis, antibiotics do not work. Traditional Chinese medicine can be used to clear heat and detoxify, such as Folium Isatidis and Banlangen. The recovery serum of patients with immunoglobulin C and mumps, as well as drugs such as estradiol and dexamethasone, can alleviate symptoms. Severe cases should undergo surgery, incision and drainage, or testicular resection. For syphilis caused by syphilitic orchitis, the testicles should also be removed first, and further treatment should be carried out after the pathological report.
Based on the introduction of the above article, everyone should have a better understanding of the precautions that patients with epididymitis need to pay attention to. After the occurrence of epididymitis, patients must take it seriously and receive timely treatment. However, during the treatment period, patients should also pay more attention to rest, personal hygiene, and avoid infection.